How do you contact us?

You can contact us by phone at 604.803.8439 or via email @

Who owns Triple Oak Mobile Home Park?

Triple Oak Mobile Home Park is owned by Ms. Caroline Morris.

How is the Songhee Nation Involved with the Triple Oak Mobile Home Park?

Triple Oaks Mobile Home Park is a private business that is not operated by Songhees Nation which means these matters have nothing to do with the Songhees First Nation - business and the Certificate of Permanent Interest (the land interest) are both owned by an individual Songhees Nation member.

Why is Triple Oak Mobile Home Park being closed down?

Ms Morris is operating a business and has decided to wind it down because she can't afford to maintain operations and make an investment in aging infrastructure. She has explored other options that are in-line with zoning approved by the Songhees First Nation under a Land Code.

Triple Oaks customers are paying below-market taxes (approximately $100 PER YEAR) - that’s about $4100 per year for 41 tenants on 4.4 acres of land. The Songhees Nation has been subsidizing development to date, which is unsustainable.

The park as an operation is well past it's economic life. Ms Morris is within her rights to make that decision and she has made it.


Do I currently have a lease at Triple Oak Mobile Home Park?

No, currently there are NO leases on Triple Oak Mobile Home Park.

I spent a lot of money on my trailer, how can Tribe Works take my trailer?

Your trailer remains YOUR property. We are not repossessing or taking anyone’s trailer. The land that the trailers are on is being redeveloped and as part of that process, all current residents must relocate before May 2018.

When do I have to move by?

May 15, 2018


Do I have to continue to pay pad fees until May 2018

For the months that you continue to stay during The Business Wind-Down period, it is expected that you pay your monthly fee as you, like you have been, are paying to occupy the space Month to Month.

What happens if I don’t pay my pad fees?

If you do not pay your pad fees you will receive a notice of overdue rent. If you do not rectify the situation within 7 days, you will be issued a 30 days notice.

What relocation services are Tribe Works offering to current Triple Oaks occupants?

We will review EACH customer's situation and where there are unique circumstances and a willingness from you to genuinely work together, we want to work with you. It appears for certain that you have a willingness and therefore we want to see what we can do. Please put your proposal / request in writing ("I want to leave soon and don't want to pay any more and will sign an agreement that spells out the understanding including waiving your rights to personal property you leave in your space, including your unit", etc). and email your proposal to so we can address it in writing.

We are also sharing resources available to all customers such as Cool Aids, Silver Threads, Vancouver Island Health and the like to see what assistance we can arrange on an individual basis, should this type of assistance also be required.

My unit cannot be moved, do I have to pay to have it disposed of?

Tribe Works has agreed to deal with clean up and removal where necessary at the sole expense of Tribe Works for any units where the AGREEMENT TO END TENANCY AND TRANSFER UNIT has been provided. These forms can be found under the FORMS/NOTICES section of this website or obtained from Rob Walsh on site.

How can I find out if my unit can be moved?

Contact one of the below to get an assessment and estimate. To provide an accurate estimate you will have to know where you plan to move the unit to as it is factored into the moving cost.

Knight-Way Mobile Haulers 1.250.754.3925
Circle B Mobile Home Hauling (250) 754-5731 – call Bill after 6 pm
Belton Bros Structural Movers (250) 748-7756 – Double Wide Units Only

Please note, we have tried to get the above to come down to make the assessment, without success to date.

Do you know of any other parks/ pads availability?

The next park that is opening up on the island is a 25 lot park near Coombs, (northeast of Nanaimo). This park will open next summer or fall, depending on government approvals. We have been told, that currently no other new parks are opening up on the island because of a) land cost increases and b) costs of servicing these lots have doubled in the past five years. Based on the current costs of land and services, the pad fees would be over $800 per month and this does not make it a saleable commodity to the public.


What is the current market like on the island?

The units are from 1,000 to 1,800 square feet with prices ranging from $175,000 to $210,000.
Pad fees are in the range of $450 to $600 per month.